
Model: (قیمت به ازای هر کیلو یکصد هزار تومان است)
Status: Available
For many years, vermiculite has been used as a soil-like substance inside apartments or hydroponic systems (HYDROPONIC GROWING) in flower and plant cultivation in cases where the use of normal soil is limited (SOILESS) and the nutrients needed by plants in liquid form to vermiculite and Finally the roots are delivered. The ability of vermiculite to absorb moisture (220 to 325% by weight and 20 to 50% by volume), create porosity and remain in the free fluid flow is important. Its ion exchange is also significant and is ineffective against the high heat given to it during processing and due to these properties is widely used in agriculture.

Technical Specs vermiculite

Public Profile
جنس : ورمی کولایت خالص بدون مواد اضافی.
رنگ : مسی
وزن/حجم : یک کیلو گرم /تقریبا دو لیتر
بسته بندی : نایلکس
کشور تولید کننده : ایران
شرکت تولید کننده : جلگه سبز
عناصر اصلي موجود : فاقد عناصر - مقدار بسيار كمي پتاسيم - منيزيم
اندازه ذرات : 2 - 5 میلی متر
EC : خنثی
PH : 7 - 7/5
آنالیز مواد : ورمی کولایت خالص
کنترل آفات و بیماری ها : خیر
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