Status: Unavailable

What is vermicompost?
Vermicompost consists of vermi (earthworm) and compost (organic fertilizer). More than 2700 types of worms
There is soil in nature. These worms refresh the soil and increase its fertility by exploring the soil and nourishing the elements in the soil and mixing it with the enzymes in their body.

The word Verms is derived from the Latin word Vermis, which means worm. Vermicompost production is a semi-aerobic process (about 80% moisture) performed by certain species of worms, fungi, bacteria, and actinomycetes. Vermicompost is a collection of worm droppings with decomposed organic matter as well as carcasses of worms that have great nutritional value for the plant.

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Public Profile
جنس : ورمی کمپوست حاصل تجزیه کودهای دامی
رنگ : قهوه ای
کشور تولید کننده : ایران
شرکت تولید کننده : جلگه سبز
اندازه ذرات : بین 0-2 میلی متر
EC : خنثی
PH : 7 - 7/5
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