Hazelnut seedlings

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Introduction of hazelnut seedlings:
A shrub 1.5 meters high that grows to a height of 6 to 7 meters (sometimes more) in favorable places and easily creates a dense forest. It has broad and pointed leaves with two rows of teeth, green in color and flowers on both male and female. The male type of these flowers has 3 to 8 flags and its collection appears as hanging spikes in autumn. The fruit, called the hazelnut, is freshly covered in green, but gradually separates after drying. C. avellana is known as the European hazelnut and is grown commercially. Due to crossbreeding of this species with other species in this genus, a great variety has been created in hazelnut cultivars. The hazelnut tree is one of the trees that generally adapts to any soil. But for better growth and more fruit production, it needs soil that is semi-deep to deep (more than 50 cm) and has more water absorption capacity. Such as: sedimentary soils ‌, ‌ clay and sand and sedimentary and sandy soils or soils that have enough clay. Light soils, ie sandy and clay soils that have good water permeability. Alkaline soils with different pH with which it is relatively compatible. Acidic soils with a pH of about 6, in which hazelnut adaptation in such soils is better than soils with a pH of 7.5 or higher. Although the amount of activated lime in the soil has little to do with pH and the hazelnut tree is more compatible with it than any other fruit tree, however, experiments have shown that hazelnut orchards should not be built on land with an active amount of lime. It is not more than 10% and because hazelnut root is also sensitive to suffocation in the soil, so its planting is not recommended in wet, compacted, clayey, heavy and impermeable lands, or in soils that are waterlogged after rainfall. Be. When the most basic need for a hazelnut tree is the presence of sufficient abscisic acid around the roots and the presence of sufficient moisture (relative humidity at least 60%) in the environment around the tree because it has shallow roots and broad leaves, areas with moderate rainfall and rainfall distribution. Suitable during the season are very suitable for successful planting of hazelnuts. Regular watering of established hazelnut orchards causes:

A- Increase the yield of planted seedlings and strengthen their root system.

B- Facilitate and accelerate plant growth.

C- Increase the quality and quantity of the product.

Irrigation period is from 4 to 7 days depending on weather and soil conditions and requires 10,000 cubic meters of abscisic acid during the growing season.

Technical Specs Hazelnut seedlings

نوع پایه : پاجوش
اسم پایه : فندق
اقلیم سازگار : نیمه سردسیر و معتدله
نیاز سرمایی : 800 الی1000 ساعت دمای زیر 7 درجه
زمان باردهی اقتصادی : 7 سال
عمر اقتصادی درخت : 30 سال
ارتفاع گیاه : 1.5 تا 2 متر
فاصله کاشت : 2 متر
نیاز آبی : 4 تا 7 روز
مشخصات کمی و کیفی خاک : خاکی لومی با PH 5/5 تا 7/5 خاک لومی سبک و شرایط آفتابی کامل یا نیمه سایه
ویژگی مغز : ترد و چرب
شیوه ارسال : صرفا از طرق باربری و پیک
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