Single-seeded cherry seedlings

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Introduction of monocot cherry seedlings:
The cherry is native to the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea, and its seeds were probably taken by birds to various parts of Asia and Europe in ancient times. This plant grows well in areas that are unsuitable for apricots and peaches due to the cold. And it grows better in areas with cool and dry summers. In terms of cold resistance, cherries are located between peaches and pears. Cherries come out of rest at 500 to 1500 hours at a temperature of less than seven degrees Celsius. Cherries, like other stone fruits, are relatively superficial and require 1.5-1% of soil. For cherries, sandy loam soils are suitable and lack of drainage will damage the cherries.

Technical Specs Single-seeded cherry seedlings

نوع پایه : رویشی
اسم پایه : Maxma 60
رقم ( پیوندک ) : تکدانه
اقلیم سازگار : سرد و معتدله
نیاز سرمایی : ۵۰۰ تا ۱۵۰۰ ساعت زیر ۷ درجه
زمان شروع باردهی : ۳ ساله
زمان باردهی اقتصادی : از سال پنجم
عمر اقتصادی درخت : 30 سال
ارتفاع گیاه : ۴ تا ۸ متر
فاصله کاشت : ۶*۶
مشخصات کمی و کیفی خاک : خاک لومی ماسه ای با زه کش مناسب
ویژگی و رنگ پوست میوه : قرمز تیره و چرمی مانند
شیوه ارسال : صرفا از طرق باربری و پیک
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