Saplings to Vidoja

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Introducing seedlings to Vidoja:

The veins and fruits of the seedlings are oval. Seen in spring with white blooms. The flowers are very fragrant and when opened, they disperse the wonderful aroma into the space. It is deciduous. That is, it experiences autumn. It spends its growth and maturation period in spring and summer. Fire sickness is the most important disease for seedlings. The disease is also found in other fruit trees such as apples and pears. This disease is called fire because it shows burnt leaves and fruits when it occurs. The source of this disease is bacteria. It takes two to 10 years for seedlings to mature.If the seedling has grown in optimal conditions and conditions, it should be about 4 meters high and 4 meters wide. The optimal soil for seedlings should be in the medium acidity level. However, this plant can also grow in acidic soils. Of course, this level of acidity should not be high. In fact, this plant does not tolerate soils with high alkalinity. Because this reduces the production of chlorophyll in the plant. Decreased chlorophyll and chlorosis in the plant leads to yellowing of leaves. Because chlorophyll causes the green color of the leaves. It is better to pay attention to the condition of the soil in terms of alkalinity up to a radius of 60 cm of the tree. The soil that is considered for planting seedlings is soil that is obtained from a mixture of sand and clay.

Technical Specs Saplings to Vidoja

نوع پایه : رویشی
اسم پایه : quince A
رقم ( پیوندک ) : vidoja
زمان شروع باردهی : سال دوم
زمان برداشت محصول : اوایل مهر
زمان باردهی اقتصادی : از سال نهم تا دهم
عمر اقتصادی درخت : 50 سال
ارتفاع گیاه : 5 متر
فاصله کاشت : 3.5 الی 4 متر
نیاز آبی : 40 لیتر هر 12 روز
مشخصات کمی و کیفی خاک : خاک های رسی و شنی
ملاحظات آفات و بیماری ها : آتشک
ویژگی و رنگ پوست میوه : زرد
شیوه ارسال : صرفا از طرق باربری و پیک
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