Nakhchivan apricot seedlings

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Introduction of Nakhchivan apricot seedlings:

Nakhchivan apricot seedlings are one of the transplanted cultivars of apricot seedlings, one of the important features of which is fruiting in the same year of planting. The main origin of these seedlings is the Republic of Azerbaijan. Nakhchivan apricot seedlings have different types. This seedling starts flowering in mid-April for 12 days and the interval between flowering and fruit ripening is 74 days, so it is possible to harvest the crop around early July. These seedlings reach full fertility in the third to fifth years and bring you economic production. The economic life of these seedlings is between 25 to 30 years.Planting intervals of these seedlings should be observed in a square system between 5 to 6 meters. Warm temperate areas with cold and temperate winters and hot and dry summers are suitable for planting apricots. In areas where late spring frosts are possible, trees should be planted. Avoid apricots that bloom early. By planting Nakhchivan apricot seedlings, it has the best results in sandy or loamy, deep, well-drained sandy soils. It does not like heavy and clay soils as well as saline soils.

Technical Specs Nakhchivan apricot seedlings

نوع پایه : بذری
اسم پایه : زردآلو نرک
رقم ( پیوندک ) : زردآلو نخجوان
اقلیم سازگار : معتدل و نیمه سردسیر
نیاز سرمایی : ۴۰۰ تا ۵۰۰ ساعت دمای زیر ۷
زمان شروع باردهی : از سال سوم تا پنجم
زمان برداشت محصول : اوایل تیرماه
زمان گلدهی درخت : اوایل بهار
زمان باردهی اقتصادی : ۴ تا ۵ سال
عمر اقتصادی درخت : عمر اقتصادی ۳۵ سال
ارتفاع گیاه : 4.5 تا 9 متر
فاصله کاشت : بین 5 تا 6 متر
مشخصات ظاهری : درخت قوی با توسعه گسترده
ویژگی و رنگ پوست میوه : زرد
شیوه ارسال : صرفا از طرق باربری و پیک
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