Saplings to Isfahan

Status: Call for price

Introducing seedlings to Isfahan:

Isfahan is the most commercial cultivar in the country and adaptation to different climatic conditions and long storage capacity of up to 10 months of this fruit is another outstanding feature of this cultivar. The seedlings arrive in Isfahan late and start flowering from late April to early May. The interval between flowering and fruit ripening is about 5 months and the fruits of these seedlings can be harvested in late October. Seedlings are somewhat self-fertile but can be used as pollinators for more yield than sour. The tree begins to bear fruit in Isfahan from the third year and the economic life of this tree is about 50 years. Yield of these seedlings is moderate to relatively low, about 7 tons of load per hectare has been harvested.The best adapted climate for this product is the Mediterranean climate, and the best fruits are produced in areas with long hot summers. Pick the fruit before the first frost. Plants are resistant to temperatures up to -15 degrees Celsius. It adapts to a wide range of soil conditions, but prefers loamy, relatively rich, well-drained soils. It grows to partial shade in full sun, but the best flowering occurs in full sun. The need for cold to break the bud sleep is 100 to 500 hours, which is relatively low.

Technical Specs Saplings to Isfahan

نوع پایه : بذری
رقم ( پیوندک ) : به اصفهان
اقلیم سازگار : معتدل و نیمه گرمسیری
نیاز سرمایی : 100 تا 500 ساعت سرمای زمستانه
زمان شروع باردهی : سال دوم
زمان برداشت محصول : اواخر مهر ماه
زمان گلدهی درخت : اواخر فروردین تا اوایل اردیبهشت
زمان باردهی اقتصادی : از سال نهم تا دهم
عمر اقتصادی درخت : 50 سال
عملکرد : متوسط تا نسبتا کم، ۷تن در هکتار
ارتفاع گیاه : 5 متر
فاصله کاشت : 3.5 الی 4 متر
نیاز آبی : 40 لیتر هر 12 روز
مشخصات کمی و کیفی خاک : خاک لومی، نسبتا غنی و با زهکشی مناسب
ملاحظات آفات و بیماری ها : آتشک
ویژگی و رنگ پوست میوه : درشت و گرد تا کمی کشیده با دم برآمده به رنگ زرد
ویزگی و رنگ گوشت میوه : عطر و طعم خاص و کیفیت عالی، بافت میوه سفت.
شیوه ارسال : صرفا از طرق باربری و پیک
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