Seeds of Mexican dwarf dandelion primrose petals


Introducing the seeds of the dwarf Mexican rye flower:

Mexican Snipe or creeping snipe is an annual plant and has good resistance to drought and dehydration. This plant is sensitive to movement and should be planted in the mainland after the last period of frost. It starts in late spring and lasts until early autumn.

Technical Specs Seeds of Mexican dwarf dandelion primrose petals

Public Profile
کشور تولید کننده : ایران
شرکت تولید کننده : گلبرگ پامچال
ارتفاع گیاه : 10-30سانتیمتر
زمان کشت مستقیم : بعد از آخرین یخبندان
فواصل کاشت : 15-30سانتیمتر
زمان گلدهی : 2-3ماه بعد از کاشت
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