Grass thread 3 miles 15 meters square titanium

Status: Unavailable
Grass thread 3 miles 15 meters square titanium

Introduction of 3 mm square titanium lawn mower:
This product is one of the most widely used yarns on the market with several very efficient advantages:

- Titanium kernel yarn with high flexibility and also high durability is very useful for rocky places and it can also be used for very dense weeds and almost any type of weed.

- The square cross-section of this type of yarn leads to a beautiful and clean cut of weeds and is mostly used in green spaces.

- This product is one of the reasonably priced herb yarns in the market in terms of its efficiency and advantages.

Technical Specs Grass thread 3 miles 15 meters square titanium

Public Profile
جنس : تیتانیوم
رنگ : طوسی
کشور تولید کننده : فرانسه
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